Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle injections are a quick, safe and effective way to reduce the effects of skin ageing, while also preventing new lines and wrinkles from forming. The most well known and highly regarded of these treatments is Botulinum toxin, also known as Botox.

What is Botox?

Botox is a protein-based anti-wrinkle injectable treatment. It works by targeting the causes of lines working beneath the skin's surface to temporarily reduce muscle activity under the skin. 

How does Botox work?

Botox injections are administered in small quantities into specific facial muscles. The muscles injected are those that cause the lines and wrinkles to appear due to repetitive contractions, squinting and movement. Once the Botox injection is administered the treated muscle contractions reduce, resulting in fewer static and dynamic wrinkles and a more youthful appearance. 

Who is Botox for?

Botox is for men and women who are looking for a more youthful and fresh-faced appearance. It is best administered when you start to notice the appearance of lines regardless of your expression. For more deeply etched lines dermal fillers may be required but this can be assessed at your pre-treatment consultation.

What are the benefits of anti-wrinkle injections?

One of the most popular cosmetic treatments for clients’ of all ages, genders and skin types, anti-wrinkle injections can give you back the confidence you may have lost due to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and crow’s feet. Botox treatment remains one of the most affordable safe and effective non-surgical, anti-ageing treatments available.

How can anti-wrinkle injections enhance my appearance?

Anti-wrinkle injections can be used to treat areas including frown lines, crow’s feet, bunny lines, necklines and marionette lines. Anti-wrinkle injections can also be used to treat medical conditions such as migraines, excessive sweating and facial flushing.

What will happen during my appointment?

We will invite you to attend a pre-treatment consultation where you will be able to discuss the problem areas and the results you are hoping to achieve. During the appointment we can answer any questions you may have and discuss the procedure with you in more detail. We can then book you in for your treatment. Anti-wrinkle injections take 15-30 minutes to administer.

How long does Botox last?

Results are noticeable within a few days, with it becoming most noticeable at around 2 weeks post-treatment. Results can last for up to 6 months dependent on how quickly your body breaks down the protein. After this time a top-up treatment may be required.

Is the treatment safe?

Side effects of injectable treatments are rare and it is considered one of the safest Cosmetic procedures available. However, this is only if it is administered by a qualified professional. That is why all of our aesthetic treatments are administered by our in-house dental team.

Side effects are rare and will only last a few days. Common side effects include mild swelling, redness, muscle weakness and headache. Other side effects include bruising, burning, stinging and more severe swelling, though these are rare. Once administered, Botox typically leaves the body within 3-4 days, although it is important to seek advice from a qualified professional should you suffer any adverse effects.

Does it hurt?

Discomfort is usually minor, but this can vary from person to person and it also depends on the area being treated. We use a special micro-fine needle to improve comfort and can also apply a numbing cream as an additional measure.

Will I still have expression in my face?

Botox is designed to smooth out wrinkles in the forehead and around the eyes, and therefore does not affect your facial expression.

What can I expect after the treatment?

The injections may cause small, red bumps to appear on the surface of the skin, which will disappear quite quickly after treatment. The results may take up to 2 weeks to develop and can last for around 3-4 months, at which point the product will naturally dissolve.